Teaching & Learning at Wavell Junior School
The school was awarded the Basic Skills Quality Mark in November 2003 and re-assessed and passed in November 2008. The Headteacher is an assessor for North Yorkshire for this quality mark.
The school was awarded the Gold Arts Mark in May 2006 and again in 2009 reflecting it’s continuing commitment to the ‘ARTS’.
Wavell Junior School was awarded Active Mark 2007/2008 for it’s commitment to P.E.
Wavell also has the NYCC Quality Mark for teaching children with dyslexia – (2007)
We also have the International School Award and we are a Bronze Eco School.
The curriculum consists of things we wish children to know, do and understand. It includes the National Curriculum and other worthwhile experiences and knowledge. We regard reading and continuing good reading habits as the most important activity we do in school.
The National Curriculum consists of Core subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
and Foundation subjects:
- Religious Education
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Music
- Information Technology
- PE (including swimming)
- Design Technology (including cookery, needle-craft, clay modelling and woodwork)
The curriculum is broad and balanced; matches work and experiences to ability and stage of development; it caters for individuals needs as well as what we feel a pupil should know.
In order to achieve the most effective teaching and learning, children are taught in a variety of ways:-
- As a whole class
- As a member of a group
- On a one to one instruction.
In our planning we wish to make work interesting and challenging.
Enriching the learning in our school through visits and visitors
Learning is made real for children through first-hand experiences so we have made a commitment that during their time in our school all children will have the opportunity to take part in an educational visit or an in-school workshop each term. Some of these will be an integral part of the curriculum and others will be one off activities aiming to enrich the lives of our children.
A valuable part of our curriculum includes taking children out of the school grounds to study other environments.
A three day residential course is organised each year for the Year 6 children. School staff accompany the children and share responsibility with the centre for organising the outdoor programme, which includes walking, orienteering etc.
Children are encouraged to take home their reading books in a reading case (on sale at the school office) and do ten/fifteen minutes reading every night, learn spellings and multiplication tables and occasionally complete a section of work commenced in school. They have ‘Learning by Heart’ books to take home with focus on mathematics vocabulary and a mental maths sheet to complete every week.
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Pupils with Special Educational Needs
If your child has learning or other difficulties, class teachers will endeavour to provide extra help. If problems persist we will request extra help from the local authority. Parental permission will be required.
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Progress
Children’s progress is constantly monitored and assessed. Class teachers will carefully monitor attainments and you will have an opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher at times throughout the year. An annual written report is sent out to parents.